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Are you ready for an OFCCP Audit….TODAY?
Do you have the time to prepare a complex AAP that is compliant and will defend your company?
Do you have the time, added cost & expertise to defend and respond to an OFCCP Audit?
Will you be able to explain the unexplained differences in your compensation decisions?
Will your recruiting, hiring and out-reach withstand the aggressive scrutiny of the OFCCP?
Why choose The Human Resources Team & Berkshire Associates?
What is included in an all-inclusive AAP fee?
And there’s more…..
OFCCP Audit Preparation
We don’t just support the desk audit. We prepare, submit and will discuss the AAP with OFCCP.Our plans have been praised by OFCCP compliance officers for technicality and thoroughness.
We will:● Prepare customized adverse impact analysis and other analysis to prepare for OFCCP’s potential inquiry. Prepare the OFCCP audit submission. We can work directly with OFCCP on your behalf.● We develop a strategy with you to address areas of concern in responding to the audit.● Unlimited phone support● We review and can likely predict OFCCP requests.● We guide and support you.● We will correct and minimize any negative impact of OFCCP findings.● We will prepare additional reports to support and defend your desk audit and AAP.
Additional audit support…● We will help you prepare for an on-site audit.● We will work with OFCCP and legal counsel before, during, and after the audit.● We will prepare conciliation agreement reports for submission.